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Apprenticeship vacancies available now!

We have roles available now with top local employers. These fantastic apprenticeship opportunities are a great way to earn a wage and get a nationally recognised qualification. Take the first step into your dream career.


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Our latest news

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The Learning Foundry are a ‘Good’ training provider

The Learning Foundry had a visit from Ofsted this August for the first time since 2019. We caught up with Pete, our Head of Quality and Curriculum, to talk us through the latest Ofsted inspection. ...

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Opening my eyes to new possibilities: Trish’s Story

Trish had spent four years working in housing when she started her Housing and Property Management course with The Learning Foundry. After gaining new responsibilities in her role, her employer chose ...

A place for opportunities and friendships – Millie and Chloe’s story

Chloe and Millie met on a study programmes earlier this year - and bonded from day one. Neither of them had an easy time at school and moved to study at The Learning Foundry. The girls shared their TL...

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Flexibility, empathy and new opportunities – Louise’s story

Louise has been working in housing for over 15 years. She started a Level 3 Apprenticeship in Housing Management and got all the support she needed to succeed!  We caught up with Louise just aft...

  • “An apprenticeship with The Learning Foundry is so worth it. It can help you to develop your skills and experience new things. Go for it!” - Lauren

  • "The Learning Foundry offers a range of apprenticeships and courses in a number of different areas. These are all delivered by our sector specialists" - Kellie Lynch, The Learning Foundry