Develop your workforce

At The Learning Foundry, we can help your business thrive by developing your existing staff and finding new apprentices!

Investing in staff development is a great retention and recruitment strategy and gives you that edge against your competitors.
With access to funding, and ways to make your budgets and levy go further – you can rely on The Learning Foundry to help you build the best foundation to 2023!!

Our short, fully-funded business skills solutions are designed to help you:

  • Develop your workforce
  • Remain competitive
  • Increase productivity
  • Create business efficiencies and cut costs
  • Increase engagement
  • Drive quality
  • Grow your business.

These programmes are funded by the Adult Education Budget (AEB) - a government-funded programme that can be accessed by employers and individuals aged 19+, to fund a huge range of training.

Why should employers access it? 

Fully funded – Zero cost to your business 

Shorter training programmes - AEB provides a shorter and alternative upskilling route, compared to longer term training that may not be suitable for all employees given their age or career stage. Shorter programmes mean less time spent off the job and more time spent channelling new skills into achieving business goals  

Upskill existing staff - Improve the skill set of your existing staff and allow them to fulfil their potential. 

Get new staff work ready – Can be used as a pre-employment course to give people a taste of the work involved and help them start their job with the skills needed to succeed 

Increase staff retention - Increase your staff retention rate by offering your workforce the opportunity to develop their careers 

Find and train new recruits before they start - A pre-employment short course is a sector specific courses designed to match people looking for work and employers looking to recruit with an opportunity to be trained with the actual skills needed to excel at interview and hit the ground running once they start the job. The Learning Foundry will find people for you and enrol them on course to get them interview and job ready. 

What type of training can be accessed through AEB funding? 

We have a range of existing courses you can access, and we can also review your needs and create a bespoke business skills programme for you. 

We also support smaller businesses by running mixed cohort programmes, which means you don’t have to worry about filling course numbers. 

Programmes include:

  • Safeguarding and Prevent

  • Team Leadership

  • Mental Health First Aid and Advocacy in the Workplace

  • Green Skills

  • Essential Digital Skills

  • Construction

  • Property maintenance 

  • Housing 

  • Customer Service 

  • Award in Education and Training

  • Level 3 Certificate in Housing Practice

  • Level 3 Certificate in Principles of Leadership and Management

  • Level 3 Certificate in Understanding Mental Health

  • Level 3 Award in Education & Training

  • Level 3 Certificate in Teaching & Learning in Schools

  • Level 3 Award in Health and Social Care

  • Level 3 Award in Hospitality supervision & Leadership

Why choose The Learning Foundry? 

Prime provider - We are an AEB ‘prime provider’ which means as we were directly awarded funding to deliver AEB training, we have the flexibility to shape programmes to meet your needs 

Help with recruitment – We can recruit great quality candidates for you via pre-employment courses and via apprenticeship opportunities 

Over 25 years’ experience - in apprenticeships, training and creating bespoke workforce development courses we have the expertise to ensure your learning and development budget and apprenticeship levy goes further. 

Above average pass rate - Our pass rate is better than the national average 

Social value – As a grass roots organisation we work to close the skills gap between some of the most disadvantaged areas in the region. The more people we train and move onto meaningful employment, the more we help to improve the local talent pool, reduce reliance on the benefits system and help employers get the right staff to make your business thrive 

Part of the Regenda Group – As part of Regenda, all our profits go back into local communities helping to regenerate places and provide opportunities for people. 

How can The Learning Foundry help? 

If you are an employer operating in the Liverpool City Region, we can help you maximise you’re learning and development budget through AEB funding. 

Get in touch and we will see how our funding steams can help your staff develop the skills they need to flourish and help your business grow. 

Enquire now 

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