Feeling safe to learn with The Learning Foundry

We know that this is a scary time for all our learners, and we want to highlight some of the ways we can help and support you to feel safe. As always, well-being and safety is our top priority . That’s why we would like to share some great resources with you as supportive tools .
If you feel unsafe getting to your sessions or are worried about your safety when learning, please contact us on 0300 123 8088. If you feel endangered or have experienced hate crime, dial 999 and alert the Police.
More information on what the support available from Merseyside Police can be found here: How to report hate crime | Merseyside Police
You can also contact the Merseyside Police social media desk via X @MerPolCC or Facebook @Merseyside Police Contact Centre, call 101 or contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
If, for any reason, you do not wish to report a hate crime to the police, the independent charity Stop Hate UK runs a 24/7 confidential helpline for all victims of hate crime on 0800 138 1625 or www.stophateuk.org. You can also download the Stop Hate UK reporting app on Google Play, or the Apple App Store.
We understand that the recent events across the country may be taking a toll on the mental health of our learners.
The Hub of Hope is designed by our friends at Chasing The Stigma and is the UK’s leading mental health support database. It brings together local, national, peer, community, charity, private, and NHS mental health support and services in one place for you to find the right support when you may need it most.
If you have been a victim of a hate crime, Victim Care Merseyside is a single point of contact for victims of crime living in Merseyside. The team of trained and knowledgeable staff are available to provide emotional and practical support tailored to your needs. To get in touch, freephone 0808 175 3080 weekdays 8 am - 6 pm or visit their website: http://victimcaremerseyside.org
For advice or support, you can also speak to a member of the Anthony Walker Foundation Hate Crime Team. To get in touch, call 0151 237 3974 or email support@anthonywalkerfoundation.org.uk .
Our campus remains open at present, and we continue to make individual risk assessments based on the activity in and around our campus. As always, our team are on hand to answer your questions on campus, and you can reach us via telephone or email if you have any concerns or questions.
Together, we can keep our learners and learning spaces safe and happy.