How are we tackling fake news and extremist views at The Learning Foundry?

As a result of the unrest across the United Kingdom, Education Secretary, Bridget Phillipson, has announced there will be new reforms aimed at young people, and education providers, to help counteract disinformation online.
Our Safeguarding and SEND Lead, Fay, shared what we’re doing at The Learning Foundry to support and protect our learners.
As soon as learners join us at The Learning Foundry, we provide them with guidance on how to use the internet safely, and ways they can keep themselves safe online.
The Learning Foundry is a safe space for learners, staff, partners and visitors to take part in open discussions and tackle tricky topics. We encourage our learners to ask difficult questions in a safe space.
Every member of staff at The Learning Foundry is dedicated to making sure that learners are safe, happy and supported on our campus or wherever they are learning with us . As well as this, t here are three designated members of staff to safeguarding our learners and providing them with specialist support, if and when they need it. We also have in-house Mental Health First Aiders who can assist learners and staff.
We also use our website and social media channels to keep our learners and partners updated with what’s going on at The Learning Foundry, in our city and online.
If you have any safeguarding concerns, you can email our designated safeguarding email addres s, here.
Together, we can keep our learners and learning spaces safe and happy.