What’s new? The change from Adult Education Budget to Adult Skills Fund

In the response to the DfE consultation Skills for jobs: implementing a new further education funding and accountability system published in July 2023, the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) funded adult skills fund (ASF) has replaced the ESFA funded adult education budget (AEB). This means that from the 1st August 2024 it will be known as the Adult Skills Fund.
What will the Adult Skills Fund (ASF) do?
The purpose of ASF is to support adult learners to gain skills which will lead them to meaningful, sustained, and relevant employment, or enable them to progress to further learning which will deliver that outcome.
What does this mean for The Learning Foundry?
The Adult Skills Fund will help different training providers offer specialised training for adult learners. At The Learning Foundry, we will focus on delivering courses under the Adult Skills that will prioritise employer-led training, encouraging businesses to invest in the skills of their existing employees and new recruits.
We’ll be adapting how we deliver our current adult learning courses to make sure that we’re meeting new requirements and able to offer programmes that meet your needs – so expect more flexibility, support and employer networking!
What does this mean for adult learners?
If you are 19+ and meet the eligibility requirements you’ll be able to access training and skills directly linked to the needs of local employers!
Want to know more about adult learning opportunities at The Learning Foundry? Click here!