Find and develop the talent you need.

At The Learning Foundry, we understand  that finding the right talent to join your business can be difficult.

That's where we can help. We make the whole recruitment process simple and hassle free.

Taking the time to get to know each one of our candidates, we have a clear understanding of their motivations, career goals and ambitions, and can effectively assess their suitability for roles.

Employ an apprentice

It’s no secret that employing apprentices is positive for business.

In fact, 96% of employers that take on an apprentice report benefits, with apprentices bringing new ideas and energy to organisations, helping to provide a competitive edge.

Find out more

Growing your workforce

Our expert team is here to help meet your immediate and future needs. We can train and recruit new staff with the right skills to sustain and grow your business.

We can source candidates, provide sector-specific training and support your recruitment and interview process. 

Everything about this process is flexible and can be adapted to meet the needs of your business.

Enquire now


of employers would recommend The Learning Foundry.

  • With apprenticeships, it is brilliant to be able to provide local young people with opportunities to develop skills and progress with a career. - Stuart Garton, The Dental House

  • The Learning Foundry has been professional, slick, enjoyable and engaging. So far, so good for The Sovini Group - Ian Mitchell, The Sovini Group


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